Hossein Taeb (UK)


Sanctioned under The Iran (Sanctions) Regulations 2023 which entered effect 31/12/2020.

Head of IRGC Intelligence since October 2009. Commander of the Basij until October 2009. Forces under his command participated in mass beatings, murders, detentions and tortures of peaceful protestors.

Basic Information

Personal Details

Name: Hossein Taeb (UK)

Birth date: dd/mm/1963

Gender: Male

Role / Function: Former Commander of the Basij until October 2009, Head of IRGC Intelligence , Former Deputy IRGC commander for intelligence

Sanction Information

Sanction Created:31/12/2020

Sanctions imposed: Asset freeze, Travel Ban

Sanction Enforcement Began: 31/12/2020

Other Details

UK Sanctions