Heydar Moslehi (UK)


Sanctioned under The Iran (Sanctions) Regulations 2023 which entered effect 31/12/2020.

Former Minister of Intelligence (2009-2013). Under his leadership, the Ministry of Intelligence continued the practices of widespread arbitrary detention and persecution of protesters and dissidents. The Ministry of Intelligence runs Ward 209 of Evin Prison, where many activists have been held on account of their peaceful activities in opposition to the government in power.

Interrogators from the Ministry of Intelligence have subjected prisoners in Ward 209 to beatings and mental and sexual abuse.

Basic Information

Personal Details

Name: Heydar Moslehi (UK)

Birth date: dd/mm/1956

Gender: Male

Role / Function: Deputy Head of the Political and Ideological Office of the Supreme Leader, Representative of the Ideological -Political Bureau of the Commander in Chief of Iran's Armed Forces (since 2018), Head of the organisation for publications on the role of the clergy at war , Former Minister of Intelligence (2009-2013)

Sanction Information

Sanction Created:31/12/2020

Sanctions imposed: Asset freeze, Travel Ban

Sanction Enforcement Began: 31/12/2020

Other Details

Known Aliases

  • Haidar Moslehi
  • Heidar Moslehi

  • UK Sanctions