Bahram Reshte-Ahmadi (UK)


Sanctioned under The Iran (Sanctions) Regulations 2023 which entered effect 31/12/2020.

Judge of an ordinary court of northern Tehran. Former Supervisor of Public Prosecution Office in Tehran. Deputy Head of the Office of Prison Affairs of Tehran Province. Former Deputy Prosecutor in Tehran until 2013. He ran Evin prosecution centre. Was responsible for the denial of rights, including visits and other prisoner's rights, to human rights defenders and political prisoners.

Basic Information

Personal Details

Name: Bahram Reshte-Ahmadi (UK)

Birth date: None

Gender: Male

Role / Function: Deputy Head of the Office of Prison Affairs of Tehran Province., Judge of an ordinary court of northern Tehran, Former Chief of Iran’s National Police (2005-2015) , Former Supervisor of Public Prosecution Office in Tehran , Former Deputy Prosecutor in Tehran

Sanction Information

Sanction Created:31/12/2020

Sanctions imposed: Asset freeze, Travel Ban

Sanction Enforcement Began: 31/12/2020

Other Details

UK Sanctions