Asadollah JAFARI (EU)


Sanctioned under 2024/1033 (OJ L05042024) - entered effect 2024-04-06 - (Date of UN designation: 2013-03-12)

Basic Information

Name: Asadollah JAFARI (EU)

Role / Function: Head of the Judicial Administration in Isfahan and Head of the Resistance Economy Headquarters. Former Attorney General in Isfahan. Attorney General in North Khorasan Province (2017-2021). Former Prosecutor of Mazandaran Province (2006-2017).

Sanction Information

Sanction Created: 2024-04-05

Sanction Enforcement Began: 2024-04-06

Other Details

Known Aliases

  • "Asadollah JAFARI" (EN)
  • "اسدالله جعفری" (FA)

  • EU Sanctions