Pishro Sanat Aseman Sharif Company (UK)


Sanctioned under The Iran (Sanctions) Regulations 2023 which entered effect 25/04/2024.

Pishro Sanat Aseman Sharif Company (PSAS) is an involved person within the meaning of the Iran (Sanctions) Regulations 2023 on the basis of the following ground: PSAS is or has been involved in hostile activity by the Government of Iran by carrying on business in the Iranian defence sector.

Basic Information

Entity Details

Name: Pishro Sanat Aseman Sharif Company (UK)

Role / Function:

Sanction Information

Sanction Created:25/04/2024

Sanctions imposed: Asset freeze

Sanction Enforcement Began: 25/04/2024

Other Details

Known Aliases

  • شرکت پیشرو صعنت آسمان شریف
  • Known Location

    No 59, Floor 4, Pezeshkan Trita Building
    Kavoosh Alley
    Kamyab Street, Shahrak Rah Ahan
    Central Sector
    Unit 1, 1st Floor, Block A1, Milad Building
    No. 24, Second Alley,
    Shahid Shokralah Mohseni Alley, North Persian Gulf Neighbourhood
    Central Sector

    UK Sanctions