Multimat lc ve Dis Ticaret Pazarlama Limited Sirketi (EU)


Sanctioned under 2024/2074 (OJ L29072024) - entered effect 2024-07-30 - (Date of UN designation: 2011-12-01)

Basic Information

Name: Multimat lc ve Dis Ticaret Pazarlama Limited Sirketi (EU)

Role / Function: Company which has supplied goods, mostly metals, to EU-designated Shahid Hemmat Industries Group (SHIG) through front companies.

Sanction Information

Sanction Created: 2024-07-29

Sanction Enforcement Began: 2024-07-30

Other Details

Known Aliases

  • "Multimat lc ve Dis Ticaret Pazarlama Limited Sirketi" (EN)

  • EU Sanctions